Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Brad Huntley Boat Repo

Brad Huntley Boat Repo

Brad Huntley and family stripped and fled their home at 420 Zephyr Rd
because of foreclosure filing by their mortgage holder for non payment
on their mortgage for six months.

Huntley was also not making payments on his boat
"Lil bit of Heaven".

He needed a way to hide the boat from
the bank and the Repo man. So, he enlisted the aid of neighbors
Brad Hardin, William Albert Davis, Nancy Jennings and
Jeremy Jennings.
Brad Hardin, is a Democratic committee man
with the Venice Area Democratic Club (VADC).

Hardin is also a Trustee
of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation Of Venice (UUCOV).

He also serves on the UUCOV Denominational Committee which interacts
with other Denominations or Faiths and Religions. Christian
Religions, Muslim, and other Denominations or Faiths.

Hardin has also served on the UUCOV Welcoming Committee
for Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, and Transgenders
and has received a reward for that service.

He is a trusted member of the community but was
a willing participant in an attempt to defraud Huntley's
bank. Prior to becoming a social worker Hardin was
a Nuclear Scientist with the NRC-Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The NRC's regulatory mission covers three main areas:
* Reactors-Commercial reactors for generating electric power and test
reactors used for research, testing and training.
* Materials-Uses of Nuclear materials in medical, industrial, and academic settings
and facilities, that produce nuclear fuel.
* Waste-Transportation, storage, and disposal of nuclear materials and waste,
and decommisioning of nuclear facilities from service.

What does this all mean?
Brad Huntley asked me in the Summer of 2000 to train students at the
flight school where he was helping his wife and sister in law cleaning the offices.
He asked that I train them in self defense and weight training at my home.
He did this knowing that I was a former USA National Masters Weightlifting
Champion (1998) in Olympic style weightlifting. Also that I had an outdoor gym
designed for both weight training and martial arts. Which was desirable for
students desiring anonymity.
The flight students he was asking for turned out to be Zihad Jirrah
and the flight 93 crew that crashed the plane in Pennsylvania.

He also mentioned that I might have to take an oath not to divulge to anyone
about their training. He told me that they had him swear not to tell
anyone about the things he had been paid to do for them. He said that
they were wealthy and had paid him well in cash for his work. I pressed
him for info about the work he done for them but he only said that
he had obtained some things for them.
Brad Hardin (retired and on government pension-former Nuclear scientist-
(or engineer when he wants to down play his position), and now social worker)
and Brad Huntley have a working relationship as shown in the video.
Could Hardin be providing Huntley information for Al-Qaeda regarding Nuclear
Waste, how it can be obtained or where it is stored and security maintaining
it? Why not? This trusted member of the community seems to be helping
Huntley skirting the law.
Doing Social work allows Hardin a close association
with felons (he is trying to help). Like William Albert Davis

whose lengthy criminal record can be obtained at the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Also
his care taker Joseph Moore. Hardin helps homeless man Davis (who
has lived with Nancy Jennings at 411 Zephyr Rd and is the father of
her son Jeremy). He helps him by keeping his boat in his yard to
avoid problems with code enforcement by the county.
His care taker Joseph Moore was allowed to live in his home
while he was away for the summer.

Sheriff deputies were frequent
visitors at the Hardin home last summer while Moore was living there.
Moore was often seen selling lawn equipment and construction
material from the Hardin home. He was also seen gathering and
dispensing items from Hardin's garages and home.
Is Hardin really a man that can be trusted?
He receives a government pension, has known associates who are felons and assists a man who admitted to me that he took an oath with the 911 terrorists. He has had
access to classified information regarding the disposal of this country's nuclear waste.
HLS are you listening?
How about residents who could be the target of an attack
using nuclear waste around Hardin's Maryland and DC area
summer home?
Hardin as the UUCOV Denominational Committee man has also had
contact with Muslim groups.
Were they terrorists?
Maybe, maybe not.
But maybe they know someone who is.
Hardin is a man of questionable character interacting
with other men who are felons with considerable lengthy
criminal records. He is also seen here on video
assisting Brad Huntley perpetrate a fraud.